Discover Your Hair Type: 4A, 4B, or 4C?
By iqueenla hair
June 20th, 2024
Curly hair is one of the most sought after and admired hair textures, but is also one of the most delicate hair textures. Typically classified as kinky, coily and curly - hair types 4A, 4B and 4C are on the rise. The versatility of this hair texture is truly unmatched. Whether you're looking to rock your natural hair texture, a protective braid style or even a fun bantu knot updo, the hair possibilities are truly endless!Here at iqueenla hair, we embrace all hair textures and make it our mission to ensure you feel included when selecting your luxury hair extensions, however we also know just how important it is to discover the perfect curly texture to match your 4A, 4B and 4C curls. Understanding your hair type is essential for proper care and styling and we're excited to provide you with details on how to discover your hair type and embrace all of its naturalness! Here's a quick guide to help you identify if you have type 4A, 4B, or 4C hair.
Curly Hair Guide: 4A, 4B and 4C
Curly hair patterns are usually classified into 3 different types, 4A, 4B and 4C. 4A curls are packed in pretty tightly with a spiral pattern. These curls require maintenance, but not a ton of maintenance in comparison to tighter curls. 4B curls are more prone to dryness and breakage and tend to grow/form in a zig-zag shape with quite a bit of shrinkage. The final curly texture is 4C - known as the coiliest, most dense curl pattern, this texture can range from super fine and soft curls to coarse and wiry curls with significant shrinkage.
Type 4A
Imagine your curls are tight and bouncy, similar to the coils of a spring. If your hair sports tight and defined curls that retain moisture fairly well yet still require constant hydration, then you're likely a 4A. This hair type benefits immensely from regular hydration using leave-in conditioners and adopting protective routines such as the LOC (liquid, oil, cream) method. Regular spritzing with water before styling is also beneficial to maintain its health and sheen. At times, 4A hair can be commonly mistaken for 3C hair as curl clumping is common with this curl type. As we all know, curly hair is continuously craving moisture, so it's important to ensure your hair is getting the proper moisture and oil it needs to sustain and look healthy from root to tip.
Type 4B
Does your hair form angles or bends in a more pronounced zigzag pattern? If so, you might have 4B type hair. Unlike 4A, the curls here are less defined and have a sharper, Z-like pattern. This type typically requires not only moisture but also thorough maintenance with co-washes and styling creams to keep it supple. Handling smaller sections at a time during styling will greatly aid in manageability and decrease the risk of breakage.
Type 4C
4C hair stands out by its very tight curl pattern—so much so, that the curls may seem almost invisible without styling. The strands bend in sharp angles and have a zigzag appearance. This makes it the most fragile of the type 4 category, necessitating consistent and generous applications of moisturizers like heavier creams and butters. Stretching strategies are vital if you wish to showcase length and volume since shrinkage is a notable trait of 4C hair.
Curly hair textures are so unique and different, you can't help but to embrace them! From the tightness of a coil and kinky, to the zig-zag shape that some curl patterns give off, curly hair will forever be a fun and creative expression of hair, so embrace your natural 4A, 4B and 4C hair textures and know that your hair is a crown!
Quick Quiz to Identify Your Hair Type:
To further pinpoint your hair type, consider the following questions:1. How does your hair type behave when moisturized?2. What is your hair types level of natural curl definition and manageability? 3. Does your hair type retail elaborate curl patterns naturally or does it require styling products to define them?4. How easily does your hair type break when styling?Assessing these factors will help confirm whether your hair falls into the 4A, 4B, or 4C hair category.
Curly Hair Care Tips + Reminders:
- Weekly co-washing
- Detangling with a wide tooth comb or your fingers, working your way from bottom to top
- Wrapping your hair at night with a silk head wrap
- Providing your curls with moisture
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